We choose “America the Brutal” from Six feet Under

Why did you choose the song? 

We chose the song because it deals with some subjects which are wildly discussed in the media at the moment. For example the rising oil prizes and the Iraq War.  

What is the song about?

 The Song text criticises the way the American Government uses the media to justifies the war in Iraq. It is also about past wars, like Vietnam. They claim that the Americans are not free and he’d rather die then to live in this kind of world/country.   

What has the song to do with America? 

It is about the American policy, present and past. Especially it is dealing with their “War Policy”. 

How did you interpret the song? In how far did the pictures help to understand this interpretation?

There is not much to interpret, because the song clearly says the subject it deals with. In some cases you need some background knowledge (like „I’m born with that right”, which refers to the “Bill of Rights”) in which cases the pictures helped to understand the meaning of the text.